August 19, 2024

Designing Effective Loyalty Tiers for Maximum Engagement

Kai Jensen
August 19, 2024

Learn how to create a tiered loyalty program that drives customer engagement, boosts spending, and builds lasting loyalty with key strategies and real-world examples.

Reward Strategy

Did you know that 81% of customers are more likely to stay loyal to brands with effective loyalty programs? 

Tiered loyalty programs, in particular, are powerful tools for boosting customer engagement and retention. By offering escalating rewards based on customer activity and spending, these programs motivate customers to reach higher levels, creating a sense of achievement and exclusivity.

This article will explore how to design a successful tiered loyalty program that keeps your customers coming back for more.

What are Tiered Loyalty Programs?

Tiered loyalty programs are rewards systems where customers earn different levels of benefits based on their spending and activity

As customers spend more or engage more frequently, they move up through the tiers, unlocking better rewards at each level.

How They Work:

  • Basic Level: Customers start with basic benefits such as small discounts or free shipping.
  • Higher Tiers: As they spend more, they move up to higher tiers, earning rewards like exclusive access to new products or VIP customer service.

Example: Sephora's Beauty Insider Program

  • Insider: Entry-level tier offering perks like birthday gifts and free beauty classes.
  • VIB (Very Important Beauty Insider): Mid-level tier with additional benefits such as 10% off purchases and exclusive events.
  • Rouge: Top tier providing the best perks, including free shipping and private hotline access.
Sephora Beauty Insider program 2024
Check out Sephora Beauty Insider Loyalty Programs

The benefits of Multi-level rewards program

  • Increased Engagement: Customers are motivated to spend more to reach higher tiers.
  • Sense of Achievement: Moving up tiers creates a sense of accomplishment and exclusivity.
  • Long-Term Loyalty: Encourages repeat business and strengthens customer relationships.

Tiered loyalty programs effectively boost customer engagement and retention by leveraging human psychology and offering tangible rewards for loyalty.

Read more: How to build a loyalty program from A to Z?

The Psychology Behind Tiered Loyalty Programs

Like any other marketing tactic, this type of rewards program is widely used because it’s based strictly on many psychological theories behind it. 

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Level-based loyalty programs fulfil customers' needs for esteem and self-actualization.

Example: As customers advance in Starbucks Rewards, they achieve Gold status, gaining exclusive perks like free refills and personalised offers, satisfying their need for recognition.

(Source: Internet) 

2. Behavioral Economics

- Endowment Effect: Customers value rewards more once they feel they have "earned" them.

Example: Sephora’s Beauty Insider program makes members feel their rewards are special because they earned them by reaching higher tiers.

- Loss Aversion: Fear of losing status motivates ongoing engagement.

Example: Airline frequent flyer programs often include tier downgrades, prompting frequent travellers to maintain their status.

3. Social Comparison Theory:

Customers compare their status with others, striving for higher tiers to gain prestige.

Example: In Nike's loyalty program, members see the benefits their friends have, encouraging them to engage more to reach those higher levels.

4. Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person's behavior and beliefs do not complement each other or when they hold two contradictory beliefs. It causes a feeling of discomfort that can motivate people to try to feel better.

So that a tiered loyalty program will help customers rationalise their engagement to reduce dissonance, reinforcing loyalty.

Example: Amazon Prime members continue their subscriptions, justifying the initial investment with ongoing benefits like fast shipping and exclusive deals.

These psychological principles explain why tiered loyalty programs effectively boost customer engagement and retention by leveraging human behaviour and motivations.

What is the Difference Between Tiered Loyalty Programs and Other Reward Program Types?

Tiered rewards systems offer unique advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of reward systems. Understanding these can help businesses decide if this approach fits their goals.


1. Enhanced Engagement:

Customers are motivated to spend more and engage frequently to reach higher tiers and earn better rewards. 

Moreover, long-term loyalty is encouraged as customers strive to maintain or improve their status​

2. Increased Spending:

Higher tiers often lead to increased consumer spending, boosting company revenue​ as the results. 

3. Valuable Data:

These programs collect detailed customer data, enabling personalised offers and marketing strategies​. Personalised rewards also enhance customer satisfaction and experience​ 

4. Psychological Benefits:

Customers feel a sense of achievement and status as they move up the tiers, driven by psychological factors like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs​ as listed above.  


1. It can be complex to Manage & Maintain

Designing and managing a tiered loyalty program requires significant resources and expertise​. You also have to balance the difficulty of achieving tiers and the value of rewards. It's a very challenging job. 

On top of that, it also needs constant updates and optimization based on customer feedback and performance metrics, adding to the operational burden​ unless you have the right tool to support this. 

Like Influence.io, a loyalty program solutions that make setup, manage or update your loyalty program very simple.

2. Customer Frustration:

Lower-tier members might feel excluded if higher tiers seem too exclusive or hard to reach, causing dissatisfaction​.

Fear of losing tier status can create anxiety among customers

3. Costly

High-value rewards for top tiers can be expensive. Businesses must ensure the program’s costs do not outweigh its benefits. 

Ready to boost customer loyalty? Start designing a tiered rewards program today and drive repeat business with our expert tools and insights.

How to design an effective Loyalty Tiers Program ?

To make the most out of this type and avoid the weakness, ensure you have thinking over these criteria: 

  • Clear program goals with aligned business objectives  
  • Identifying Key Metrics for Tier Progression align with your goals
  • Logical Tiers Structure 
  • Balance between Rewards and Tier Access

We are going into more details in the sections below. And we will give you an example of how you should align everything together once you have known the concept.  

1. Define Program Goals with Business Objectives

Start by identifying the primary goals you want to achieve with your loyalty program. These goals should directly support your broader business objectives. Common goals include:

Revenue Growth: Align the loyalty program to drive repeat purchases, increase average order value, and boost overall revenue. This might involve offering more valuable rewards at higher tiers to incentivize more spending​ 

Customer Retention: Focus on retaining existing customers by offering perks that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Long-term retention strategies should be at the core of the Ranked loyalty scheme.

Brand Advocacy: Encourage customers to become brand advocates by providing exclusive benefits that make them feel valued and special. This can include referral bonuses or social media engagement rewards​ 

Integration with Marketing Strategies: Ensure the loyalty program complements other marketing efforts, such as promotional campaigns, seasonal offers, and new product launches. A cohesive strategy can amplify the impact of both the loyalty program and marketing initiatives​​.

Jelly Belly loyalty program with Brand Advocacy goals in mind
Jelly Belly loyalty program with Brand Advocacy goals in mind

2. Identifying Key Metrics for Tier Progression

These metrics will help you determine how customers move through the tiers and what behaviours to reward.

Spend-Based Metrics

Cumulative Spending: Track the total amount a customer spends over a specific period.

Customers who spend more are likely to be your most valuable. Rewarding them with higher tiers encourages ongoing engagement and larger purchases.

  • Example: Set spending thresholds like $100 for Bronze, $500 for Silver, and $1,000 for Gold, with better rewards at each level.

Frequency of Purchases: Monitor how often customers make purchases.

Frequent buyers are more engaged with your brand. Rewarding them can help maintain their buying habits.

  • Example: Customers who make five purchases a month might move up a tier, encouraging regular interactions with your brand.

Value-Based Metrics

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Measure the total value a customer brings to your brand over their entire relationship.

Customers with higher CLV are more profitable in the long run. Rewarding these customers with higher tiers can boost their loyalty and spending.

  • Example: A customer with a CLV of $2,000 might automatically qualify for the top tier, receiving exclusive benefits.

Profitability: Consider the profitability of individual customers based on the margin of the products or services they purchase.

High-margin customers contribute more to your bottom line, so prioritising them in tier advancement can be financially beneficial.

  • Example: Customers who frequently buy high-margin products might advance tiers faster, receiving premium rewards.

Activity-Based Metrics

Engagement Levels: Track customer activities like participating in surveys, writing reviews, or engaging with your brand on social media.

Engaged customers are more likely to stay loyal and advocate for your brand. Rewarding these behaviours can encourage ongoing interaction.

  • Example: Offering points for writing reviews or sharing content on social media can help customers move up tiers.

Referral Actions: Measure how often customers refer new business to you.

Referrals bring in new customers at a low cost. Rewarding this behaviour can lead to more referrals and increased customer acquisition.

  • Example: Customers who refer three friends might jump a tier, earning special incentives or bonuses.

3. Logical Structuring of Tiers

Creating a well-structured tier system is crucial for the success of your loyalty program. Here's how to approach the process:

Step1: Determining the Number of Tiers

Basic Structure: A simple structure with three to four tiers is usually effective. This provides clear distinctions between different customer levels, motivating them without causing confusion or overwhelm.

  • Example: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum tiers offer a balanced approach, encouraging customers to progress without making the system too complex.

Customized Approach: Depending on your business and customer base, you might need more or fewer tiers. If your customers have varied spending behaviors, additional tiers could help cater to different segments.

  • Example: A luxury brand might use five or more tiers to differentiate between occasional buyers and high-spenders, providing more targeted rewards.
Create your tiered loyalty program with Influence.io

Step 2: Setting Criteria for Advancement

Clear and Achievable: Ensure that the criteria for moving up tiers are straightforward and easy to understand. This could involve setting clear spending thresholds or tracking specific engagement activities.

  • Example: To advance from Silver to Gold, a customer might need to spend $500 annually or participate in five promotional events.

Progressive Rewards: As customers advance, the rewards should become significantly more valuable, motivating them to strive for higher levels.

  • Example: While Bronze members might receive basic discounts, Gold members could enjoy free shipping, exclusive access to new products, and personalized offers.

Step 3: Designing Tier Benefits

Exclusive Perks: Offer benefits that are exclusive to each tier, such as early access to sales, invitations to special events, or VIP customer service. These perks should feel special and unattainable at lower levels.

  • Example: Platinum members might receive personal shopping consultations or first access to limited-edition products, setting them apart from lower-tier members.

Personalized Rewards: Customize rewards based on customer preferences and behaviors within each tier. Personalization enhances the value of the rewards and increases customer satisfaction.

  • Example: If a Gold member frequently purchases beauty products, offer them exclusive samples or early access to new beauty lines.

By structuring your tiers logically, with clear criteria and valuable rewards, you can create a loyalty program that motivates customers to engage more deeply with your brand, driving both satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

4. Balance Between Rewards and Tier Access

Creating a balanced tiered loyalty program involves carefully managing how customers access different tiers and the rewards they receive at each level. This balance is crucial to keep customers engaged and motivated throughout their journey.

Accessible Entry-Level Tier

Encourage Participation: The first tier should be easily accessible to all customers. This encourages broad participation and allows everyone to experience the benefits of your loyalty program from the start.

  • Example: Offer a basic entry-level tier with simple rewards like small discounts or free samples, providing immediate value and incentivizing customers to join.

Gradual Progression

Maintain Motivation: Design your program so customers see a clear and achievable path to higher tiers. Avoid large gaps between tiers to ensure steady progression and sustained engagement.

  • Example: Set achievable spending or activity thresholds for each tier, so customers regularly feel rewarded as they move up.


Drive Aspiration: Reserve the most valuable and exclusive rewards for the highest tiers. This exclusivity motivates customers to strive for higher levels within the program.

  • Example: Offer top-tier members benefits like free shipping, exclusive product access, or VIP event invitations, which are not available to lower-tier members.

Recognition and Prestige: Publicly recognize and celebrate high-tier members. This can include awarding special badges, mentioning them in communications, or inviting them to exclusive events. Recognition not only boosts their status but also motivates lower-tier members to aspire to higher levels.

  • Example: Feature top-tier members in your newsletters or offer them a "VIP of the Month" spotlight, making their loyalty visible to others.
Chick-fil-A Signature member Rewards 
Chick-fil-A Signature member Rewards 

Great Tip: Adding Gamification to Your Tiered Loyalty Program for better customer experiences 

Gamification adds a dynamic layer to tiered loyalty programs by making customer engagement more interactive and fun. 

It leverages game-like elements to motivate customers, turning their loyalty journey into an enjoyable experience that encourages regular participation.

Gamification should be seamlessly integrated with your tier structure. For example:

  • Points-Based Advancement: Use points earned through gamified activities to help customers progress through the tiers. This makes tier progression feel more like a game, increasing motivation.
  • Special Rewards for Gamified Achievements: Offer unique rewards or benefits that can only be unlocked by earning certain badges or completing specific challenges, adding an extra layer of exclusivity to your program.

For example: Nike’s app allows customers to earn badges for completing workouts, which can also contribute to their overall status within the loyalty program. 

Nike applied gamification to their loyalty program

Real-World Example: Ulta Beauty’s Ultamate Rewards Program

Ulta Beauty, a leading retailer in the beauty industry, has created a highly effective tiered loyalty program known as Ultamate Rewards. This program is designed to reward customers based on their spending and engagement with the brand, encouraging higher spending and deeper customer loyalty.

1. Align Program Goals with Business Objectives

Goal: Ulta Beauty aimed to increase customer retention and average spending per customer by offering a tiered rewards system that incentivizes frequent purchases and deeper engagement.

Implementation: The Ultamate Rewards program is structured to reward customers more generously as they spend more, which aligns with Ulta’s objectives of boosting sales and fostering long-term customer relationships. By creating distinct tiers with increasingly valuable rewards, Ulta encourages customers to spend more to access higher levels of perks.

Ulta Beauty’s Tiered Loyalty program designed to increase sales
Ulta Beauty’s Tiered Loyalty program designed to increase sales

2. Identify Key Metrics for Tier Progression

Spend-Based Metrics:

  • Cumulative Spending: Customers progress through the tiers based on their annual spending at Ulta. This straightforward approach directly ties customer loyalty to their purchasing behavior.
  • Frequency of Purchases: By rewarding frequent buyers with bonus points and exclusive offers, Ulta incentivizes customers to make regular purchases.

Activity-Based Metrics:

  • Engagement Levels: While the primary focus is on spending, Ulta also rewards activities like signing up for the program, making purchases during promotions, and engaging with the brand through online activities.

3. Structure Tiers

Number of Tiers:

  • Ulta uses a simple three-tier system: Member, Platinum, and Diamond. This structure is easy for customers to understand and provides clear incentives to move up the tiers.

Criteria for Advancement:

  • Clear and Achievable: Customers advance from Member to Platinum by spending $500 in a calendar year, and to Diamond by spending $1,200. These thresholds are clear, making it easy for customers to track their progress.
  • Progressive Rewards: As customers move up to Platinum and Diamond tiers, they earn more points per dollar spent, receive larger discounts, and gain access to exclusive offers.

4. Balance Between Rewards and Tier Access

Tier Access:

  • Accessible Entry-Level Tier: The Member tier is accessible to anyone who signs up, with no spending requirement. This encourages broad participation from all customers.
  • Gradual Progression: The clear spending thresholds ensure that customers can see a direct path to achieving higher tiers, maintaining their motivation to continue shopping at Ulta.


  • High-Value Rewards: Diamond members receive the most valuable rewards, including free shipping, exclusive discounts, and access to special events.
  • Recognition and Prestige: The Diamond tier offers benefits that not only provide monetary value but also enhance the customer’s shopping experience, making them feel valued and special.

5. Adding Gamification for Enhanced Engagement

Gamification Elements:

  • Points System: Customers earn points for every dollar spent, with higher tiers offering point multipliers (e.g., 1.25 points per dollar for Platinum and 1.5 points per dollar for Diamond).
  • Bonus Points Offers: Ulta frequently offers promotions where members can earn additional points for purchases, encouraging more frequent shopping and engagement.

Example: Ulta runs special events like 21 Days of Beauty, where customers can earn extra points and access exclusive deals, adding a gamified element to the shopping experience.

By following these steps, Ulta Beauty has successfully created a tiered loyalty program that not only increases customer spending and engagement but also strengthens the emotional connection between the brand and its customers. 

The Ultamate Rewards program is a prime example of how to effectively design and implement a Tter-based loyalty system that drives both customer satisfaction and business growth

Read more case studies: How SHEKO Combats High Acquisition Costs Using Referrals 

How to streamline the design process with an online loyalty program platform?

An online customer loyalty program platform like Influence.io provides a comprehensive solution for designing and managing a tiered loyalty program that meets your business needs. Here’s how Influence.io can help:

  1. Customizable Tiers: Easily design and adjust tier structures to match your business goals, from simple to complex setups.
  2. Data-Driven Insights: Leverage advanced analytics and customer segmentation to refine tier criteria and rewards based on real customer behavior.
  3. Personalized Rewards: Offer tailored rewards and gamification features like points and badges to keep customers engaged and motivated.
  4. Automation: Automate key tasks, ensuring your loyalty program runs smoothly and scales with your business.
  5. Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide a seamless, user-friendly interface for customers to track their progress and rewards in real-time.
All-in-1 Solutions & Cost Effective Loyalty Apps

Ready to elevate your customer loyalty? Try Influence.io or book a demo with us to see how we can help you build a powerful tiered loyalty program.